Teaching tools

Complex magnetic foil tool system in the education system. You will be able to use these tools in any Teaching Program!

Dear Lower Grade Teacher,dear Parents!

The Fero-Kreativ Ltd. deal with tool improvement, production, distribution of the MAGNETOOT magnetic teaching tool family nearly five years ago. We continously keep in contact with schools whoes undertook to advertise our products. We are visiting regularly professional conferences, exhibitions, where we show and popularize our products. We try to content to the continuously changing expectations. We try to offer for you such a tool systems, which is the important to help in the competency based education.

Our items are appropriate for traditional education and make students activity. These products encourages for player individual and team developmentjátékos egyéni és csoportos fejlesztésre is. Igyekeztünk magas színvonalú terméket előállítani, nemcsak felhasználás szempontjából, hanem a minőség és hosszú használhatóság tekintetében is. On the other hand, we tekintetbe vettük az iskolák és szülők egyre szűkülő lehetőségeit is.